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Thursday 26 January 2012

Talking of the future

Before you stop reading this blog, reply to my questions at the bottom.

For just under a month now, i have been talking of the future, what the future holds and subsequent subjects that may have slightly deterred from the original subject.  Well, this is one of those posts, the ones that deter slightly from the subject. Not interested? Good.

The future does not only hold technological development but also political and economical development. Through the past century, we have all witnessed the unsuccessful reign of communism and the interpretation of its failure through marxist theories, stating that without capitalism, communism could have been successful through socialist policies; the example could be the collapse of the Russian economy in the early 90's where the default on their debt caused negative speculation about the validity of communism. So what does the future hold? Capitalism? Cronyism?

2500 of the most influential heads in the world gathered today at Davos, Switzerland. Discussions were held and plans were illustrated. Out of them 2500 people, one of them was my Uncle. Obviously i can't be disclosing names publicly but there we go. Very proud.

So today, i want to ask two questions. Two of them off-topic and one of them on-topic:

1. If you had a time machine what era would you go back to?  The era of the Roman Empire?

2. What would you bring with you? Guns? An iPhone?

3. What do you think the future holds for the world? Crisis? Capitalism? Socialism? (All three seem to go hand in hand).


Finally, check this out, the best and most awesome stunts ever seen on video!


Verrrryyyyyy Niceeeeeee

1 comment:

  1. 1. When my son called me "Mummy..Mummy" for the first time.

    2. iPhone

    3. The future is still bright and beautiful so future hold good things for humanity as a whole..common sense will reign....
